Leo-West Group also provides brokerage services. This sphere of activity is the most responsible among all the services provided by the company, as it requires impeccable competence of specialists and special attention to the processing of a package of documents for customs clearance of goods.
Thanks to the professionalism of the employees, as well as the high business reputation of the company in the customs authorities, we provide the high-quality brokerage services for all customs regimes.
Leo-West Group provides services for customs clearance of goods, both individually and together with the accompanying cargo forwarding. The main task of the brokers of the company is to properly and efficiently deliver the goods, both to the customs requirements, and to the client’s expectations regarding terms and cost.
Specialists of Leo-West Group advise on customs clearance of goods, which is especially relevant at the stage of planning contacts with foreign partners.
The range of services provided includes:
- Storage at customs-licensed warehouse;
- Registration of export-import and consignment cargo;
- Registration of transit operations;
- Pre-declaration;
- Additional services at the customs-licensed warehouse: labeling, marking, repacking;
- Cargo certification;
- Registration of customs certificates for sealing a car;